Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland (SEAI), in partnership with The International Energy Agency (IEA) are conducting a survey of the ESCO market in Ireland in order to establish an understanding of the scale and makeup of the market in the region. IEA tracks the size of the global Energy Service Company (ESCO) market through its annual Energy Efficiency Market Report.This survey aims to obtain information about the energy efficiency component of the ESCO market in Ireland including its current size, financing mechanisms, policy drivers and prospects.
Note that for the purposes of this survey, ESCOs are considered as companies that provide energy performance contracts, i.e. energy saving or energy supply contracts with performance guarantees. ‘As a service’ type contracts are not considered energy performance contracts.
Please note that all information will be anonymised and is completely confidential between SEAI and your organisation. IEA will publish anonymised aggregated data on the Irish ESCO market at
Accurate information is extremely valuable for programme and policy development purposes, but if you would rather not share specific information please state ‘rather not share’ as a response.