STEPS e-storage solutions

STEPS Business Support Programme will launch in January 2021

The STEPS Business Support Programme will kick start the new EU project in the New Year.

STEPS (Storage of Energy & Power Systems) is a new European project bringing the innovative industry of energy storage to Irish SMEs. Project partners from Ireland, the Netherlands, Belgium, France and the UK will increase the energy storage industry in North West Europe (NWE). Each nation will encourage innovative energy storage providers to develop their energy storage solution to become market ready.

Overall, the STEPS project hopes to advise more than 200 energy storage local SMEs on entering new markets in NWE. STEPS wishes to create market pull effects in NWE for new energy storage solutions by engaging with potential end-users needs and increase awareness of solution providers.


By implementing a Business Support Programme, STEPS will connect end-users with 20 providers of new energy storage solutions to increase their technological readiness level (TRL5/6 to 7) through real-life testing. Over 50 end-users of this storage will be trained on using a new tool to model their energy storage needs. STEPS will provide a direct link to a portfolio of 250-300 solution providers from NWE.

The long-term vision of the STEPS project will position NWE as a leading energy storage player. STEPS will hope to gain up to the 30% of the market with more than 120 new energy storage solutions commercialised and leading to the generation of more than 1100 new jobs.

In an Irish context, 3cea, NUIG and Galway Energy Cooperative are the project partners who are leading the STEPS project nationally.

About the STEPS Business Support Programme

STEPS Business Support Programme

For whom?

The STEPS Business Support Programme is searching for an energy storage solution provider in NWE who wants to bring their product to the market. The energy storage solution provider will get connected with end-users and demonstrate their technology at a testbed site. Through the programme, the energy storage solution provider will receive support from leading knowledge partners.

What is the programme about?

The STEPS Business Support Programme offers support from universities to 40 SMEs with product enhancement Vouchers (Voucher 1) with a value of 12,5k€ each. The 20 best projects in Voucher 1 will receive additional support for testing and demonstrating (Voucher 2) their technology at an end-user (testbed) with a value worth of 50k€ each. The programme supports transnational collaboration, support, and networking in NWE.


The first call for applications opens 11th January 2021.

The STEPS Business Support Programme includes two successive vouchers. The first Voucher starts from February and can take up to 6 months. The second Voucher can start in August and will last 6 to 12 months.

To apply for the programme, see the STEPS website here. 

Find out more about the STEPS project here.