Public Lighting Projects – Where are we Now, and What’s Possible

Public Lighting Projects – Where are we Now, and What’s Possible

[twentytwenty]Street Light BeforeStreet Light After[/twentytwenty]
JFL Road (N80) Portlaoise – Profile Lighting & Power

      • Date: 26th March
      • Time: 10.15am – 12.30pm
      • Room: Merrion Room

SEAI are hosting a 2 hour briefing on public lighting projects at the Energy Show, 26th March 2015, RDS.
SEAI are excited to bring over representatives from the City of Venlo, Netherlands, who are retrofitting 16,000 public lights, saving 60% (10,000 retrofitted to date).

The European Energy Efficiency Fund recently awarded Limerick Clare Education and Training Board approx. 335k for energy audits on their 50 schools. They also preapproved the LCETB for up to potentially €16m in finance for projects arising from the audits. The EEF financed the City of Venlo public lighting project. The Irish Energy Efficiency Fund manager, SDCL, will also speak (TBC).

Peter Keavney of Galway City Council is undertaking a comprehensive inventory of the city’s public lighting stock. He will talk about his findings (and immediate savings made) to date, and if completed, identified technical and financial opportunities for retrofit.

Finally, SEAI will overview all the different national issues regarding public lighting, and results of a survey of public lighting personnel as to their project plans and needs for 2015. The DCENR will give an update of relevant national policy drivers.

This event will be open to both public and private sectors. To register for this 2 hour briefing session at the Energy Show, 26th March 2015, RDS, please go to:

 SEAI’s Public lighting projects – where are we now and what’s possible


Please, as usual, book only if you are confirming attendance, not your hope to attend!


10:00 Energy Show opens and registration

10:10 Session introduction
10:15 Energy Policy Context
Rebecca Minch, Department of Communications, Energy and Natural Resources
10:25 Overview of public lighting opportunities, progress on overcoming barriers, and project supports
Alan Ryan, Public Sector Programme Manager, SEAI
10:45 Galway City Council public lighting retrofit project update
Peter Keavney, City of Galway Energy Agency, Galway City Council
11:05 Q&A

11:15 The Irish National Energy Efficiency Fund and public lighting
David Hourihane, Managing Director, SDCL (TBC)
11:30 The European Energy Efficiency Fund
Zarpana Signor, European Energy Efficiency Fund (Vice President Deutsche Bank AG)
11:50 Case study – Large scale, financed retrofit of public lighting in the city of Venlo, Netherlands
Ralf Pakbier, Coordinator for public facilities, City of Venlo, Netherlands

12:15 Q&A
12:30 Close