Case Study: LED Lighting: Greenlane Fire Station – October 2015

Case Study: LED Lighting: Greenlane Fire Station


The Greenlane Fire Station is operated by Carlow County Council Fire & Rescue Services Carlow County Council Fire & Rescue Services. The fire station availed of services through SEAI to perform an energy audit in early 2014. Through the SEAI an energy auditor was provided and a site visit was performed. The site visit generated a list of potential measures which outlined potential energy savings by adopting energy efficiency measures. Items outlined included boiler and heating controls, as well as lighting upgrades. The staff at the Fire station opted to review in greater detail the potential of lighting upgrades. Their existing lighting was T-8 lighting, which was manually controlled with wall mounted switches. Typically the hall lighting was being left on constantly, and while every effort was made by the staff at the fire station, offices were left unmanned during emergencies with the lighting left on in the absence of staff. With the assistance of Carlow Kilkenny Energy Agency, a public tender was prepared and various options for lighting improvements were tendered by varying contractors. In the end the facility had a choice of T-5 lighting or LED lighting upgrades. The pros and cons of each option were evaluated and taking into consideration operational and maintenance cost, the department opted for the LED option.  The project was installed in September 2014. The Fire & Rescue Services department through the CKEA, availed of grant aid through the Better Energy Communities 2014 program.



The initial lighting energy efficiency project was identified in January 2014. The project applied for funding under Better Energy Communities 2014 in April 2014. Approval for grant aid was received in June 2014. The project was then tendered and the removal of the existing lighting and installation of new lighting was completed in September 2014.



The LED lighting was installed in September 2014. The LED lighting has some additional functionality with motion sensors also installed. The site opted to reduce the number of fittings in certain areas and have been pleased with the improved quality of lighting in the spaces. The expected payback, including grant aid is just over 6 years.  The following graph shows the pre and post energy consumption for the site.


Greenlane Firestation Pre & Post Energy Consumption

Cost Savings

To date from January 2015-July 2015, the site has saved just over €1,100 on their energy bills as a direct result of installation of the LED lighting.

Engineer Responsible:

Elizabeth Cosgrave, Energy Engineer, Energy Efficiency


Key Words – Energy Efficiency, LED Lighting, Energy Savings